Since its summer and you're probably looking for a job, we asked employers who hire teens with no experience to tell us...
...the 3 qualities they look for on resumés, during interviews and at work
1. Curiosity
Ask questions to learn as much as you can.
2. Interest
Show an interest in the business and its products to be able to give good customer service.
3. The right attitude
Take work seriously, be responsible, have a positive attitude, be polite and smile.
...the 3 potential irritants to avoid at all cost
1. Constraints
Having constraints when you start a job is not a big selling point. Attendance and availability show just how willing you are to commit to the job.
2. Cellphone
Use it only on your breaks. Each employer has their own rules regarding the use of cellphones. Following them is also part of learning on the job.
3. Clumsiness
You'd be surprised to what extent employers notice this. At home, lend a hand with meal preparation or household chores. It will help you develop both a sense of working together and dexterity.
The interview
How to manage it
- Be well prepared.
- Do some research on the company and position.
- Pick clothes that make you look like a professional.
Make a good impression
- Get there on time.
- Watch your non-verbal communication.
- Take the time to answer the questions appropriately.
After the interview
- Go over the interview in your head.
- Follow up with the employer.
Your social media reputation
How to manage it
- Watch what you post online−it's there to stay.
- Adjust your privacy settings to select who can see your posts.
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