Responsible investing
Learn about our approach and our responsible investment (RI) product lineup.
Our responsible investment products
Doing our part to build a responsible, sustainable economy is part of our values. We've been fine-tuning our responsible investment products for 30+ years to provide you with choices that stay true to who you are. Here's our range of diversified RI options designed to help you achieve your goals.
SocieTerra Funds and Portfolios
You can grow your money with responsible investment funds that combine good return potential with a positive impact on the environment and communities.
- 21 funds and 6 portfolios
- Multiple RI strategies used to select companies and encourage them to improve their ESG practices
- Eligible under most plans (such as RRSP, TFSA, RRIF, LIRA, LIF, RLSP and group RRSP) and non-registered accounts
- Risk profile: Low to moderate
Market-linked guaranteed investments – responsible options
Tap into stock market growth potential without risking your money by monitoring the performance of businesses that have been carefully selected for their ESG commitment.
- 2 portfolios and 2 thematic investments
- Eligible under most plans (TFSA, RRSP, FTA, LIRA, locked-in RRSP, RRIF, LIF and RDSP) and non-registered accounts
- The money you invest is 100% guaranteed at maturity
- Risk profile: Low
Guaranteed investment funds – RI Helios2 Contract
You can grow your savings with responsible investment funds, but with additional protection.
- 6 SocieTerra Portfolios
- Multiple RI strategies used to select companies and encourage them to improve their ESG practices
- Eligible under most plans (RRSP, TFSA, RRIF, LIRA and LIF) and non-registered accounts
- Choice of 3 guarantees to protect your savings or your estate
Responsible annuities
Get a responsible annuity and receive a regular income for a set period or until death.
- Responsible investment approach in managing premiums that we're entrusted with
- Annuity can be combined with a registered retirement income fund (RRIF) or a life income fund (LIF)
- Fixed return for the duration of the payment period
- Index option where retirement income can be adjusted annually
What is responsible investing?
Responsible investing means taking environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into account when selecting and managing investments, in addition to traditional financial analysis. By doing this, we choose companies that contribute to sustainable development.
4 reasons to choose responsible investment
Return potentials that are just as good
In the long run, the potential returns of responsible investments are just as good and sometimes better
Better risk management
Companies that value ESG criteria are better equipped to manage risk, which potentially increases returns.
Carefully selected companies
We assess the ESG practices and financial health of each company. SocieTerra products exclude companies that specialize in fossil fuels as well as those who operate in the arms
Shareholder engagement
We engage in an ongoing dialogue with the companies we select to ensure they are upholding their commitment. We also encourage them to improve their ESG practices. We vote at shareholder assemblies and submit shareholder proposals when appropriate.
ESG criteria
We use the following environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria to evaluate which companies to invest in:
We choose companies with policies and practices that respect the environment.
These include policies that:
- Fight against climate change
- Protect forests and biodiversity
- Reduce greenhouse gases
We choose companies that are involved in their communities and treat all their workers fairly.
These include companies that:
- Respect and protect the rights of children
- Respect the rights of workers
- Provide healthcare, food security and education
We select companies that have healthy management practices.
These practices might include:
- Diversity on boards of directors
- Fair compensation for management (incentives and bonuses)
Products that create a real, positive impact
Choosing to invest in one of our responsible investment products allows selected companies to make positive impacts on the community and environment.
For example, based on an estimated investment of $10 million in 2022,
Avoiding 3,570 tonnes of CO2 emissions,
Providing access to education and/or training to 13,097 registered learners
Providing access to financial services to at least 3,686 people$
Contact us
By phone
Montreal area:
514-224-7737 Phone number of customer service for the Montreal area. This link opens your phone app. (514-CAISSES)
Elsewhere in Canada and the US:
1-800-224-7737 Phone number of customer service for Canada and the US. This link opens your phone app. (1-800-CAISSES)
We can also call you when it's convenient.
More about responsible investing
- Topic: Investment 5 great reasons to choose responsible investment March 27, 2024
- Topic: Investment 4 myths about responsible investment October 4, 2024
Further reading
Environmental metrics for all portfolio companies were measured where data was available or could be estimated, considering their relevance with regards to their business activities. The analysis included all companies in which the strategies were invested as at 31 December 2023. At the time of preparation, Impax aimed to obtain the most recently available and commonly collected environmental data from investee companies. Impax collected relevant data from company disclosures, including sources such as annual reports, CDP and sustainability reports. Where information was not available, Impax contacted companies to request additional disclosure, which in some cases produced additional relevant data.However, some companies could not/did not provide information on several metrics. For missing environmental impact data, industry or academic data was sought in order to set robust assumptions. In cases where robust data could not be found, zero impact was reported for a company in order to adopt a conservative approach. The percentage owned in each underlying company (calculated based on the proportion of shares owned) as at 31 December 2023 was applied to measure the environmental benefit attributable to the strategies. Among companies for which avoided emissions data was relevant, Impax collected data from 55% of them, estimated data for 25% of them, and reported zero data for 20% of them given the lack of robust data. Among companies for which data on water provided, saved or treated was relevant, Impax collected data from 56% of them, estimated data for 22% of them and reported zero data for 22% of them given the lack of robust data. Among companies for which data on materials recovered or treated was relevant, Impax collected data for 89% of them and estimated data for 11% of them. Among companies for which renewable electricity generated data was relevant, Impax collected data for 100% of them.