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Other provincial budgets

Nova Scotia: Budget 2025 - Looking Past the Surplus

February 18, 2025
Laura Gu, Senior Economist • Kari Norman, Economist • LJ Valencia, Economic Analyst

While Nova Scotia’s Budget 2025 lifted its spending plan on the back of recent revenue windfalls, it continues to project deficits over much of the planning horizon. The plan includes a $200M contingency in each year of the planning horizon to address ongoing uncertainties related to US tariffs.

The current consolidation plan includes a rapid reduction in the deficit and eventually a balanced budget before the contingency by FY29. However, this rests upon somewhat optimistic economic assumptions—the province anticipates robust revenue growth to offset minimal spending increases over the medium term.

Despite a better starting point, wider deficits and a large capital spending program are expected to drive the net debt-to-GDP ratio sharply upward, reaching over 40% by FY29.

Borrowing requirements before contingency are now projected to total $3.0B in FY26, $3.5B in FY27 and $3.9B in FY28—a total of $2.4B more than the last budget’s projection over the three-year horizon—and $2.6B in FY29.

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