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Economic Viewpoint

Having Truck and Trade with the Good Ole US of A

Which Provinces Are Most Exposed to Potential US Tariffs?

November 21, 2024
Randall Bartlett
Senior Director of Canadian Economics

  • With the Republican sweep of the presidency and Congress now confirmed, higher tariffs are widely expected. This has weighed heavily on our economic outlook for Canada.
  • But Canadian provinces are highly diverse in their economic drivers, and some will be more vulnerable to US tariffs than others. For instance, we expect energy products to be largely exempt from tariffs, which would be a lucky break for Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland and Labrador. As a centre of oil refining, New Brunswick may also be spared the worst ravages of higher tariffs.
  • With their highly diversified economies and close ties to the US market, Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba may not be so lucky. The same is true, albeit to a lesser extent, for British Columbia, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
  • While diplomacy may help to carve out some tariff exemptions, the most important takeaway from the latest round of US-driven global trade dysfunction on the horizon is that trade diversification is key to mitigating the risks of any one country’s policies.
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