Cancelling your insurance
Looking to cancel your car, home, RV, travel or pet insurance policy? Let us walk you through the process.

How to cancel your car, home or RV insurance
You can call or write to us at any time to cancel your insurance. Your policy is officially cancelled on the date you specify. We confirm your policy cancellation in writing by mail.
By phone
The easiest way to cancel is over the phone. Your satisfaction is our priority, and talking with you helps us understand your needs.
By mail
You can also send us a letter.
- Specify when you want the cancellation to take effect, why you want to cancel and the mailing address where we can send confirmation.
- Sign the document and send it to the address indicated in your insurance policy.
Good to know
Before you cancel, make sure you have adequate insurance coverage elsewhere as needed.
It's important to compare insurance coverage, deductibles, services and prices carefully.
Cancellation fees
For cancellations effective on the renewal date
There are no penalties or fees if you request for your car, home or RV insurance to be cancelled on the policy renewal date.
For cancellations effective before the renewal date
There may be fees if you cancel before the renewal date. These fees are in addition to what you have to pay for your coverages up until the cancellation date you choose.
To find out what you would be charged for cancelling your insurance, call us.
How to cancel other types of insurance
Pet insurance
To cancel your pet insurance, call the Petline customer support line.
Monday to Thursday: 8 AM to 10 PM (Eastern Time)
Friday: 8 AM to 9 PM (Eastern Time)
Saturday: 9 AM to 8 PM (Eastern Time)
Travel insurance
To cancel your travel insurance, call us.
Monday to Friday: 8 AM to 8 PM (Eastern Time)
Saturday: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (Eastern Time)
1-855-368-6924 Customer service phone number for travel insurance. This link opens your phone app.
Can I cancel my insurance at any time?
Yes. You or your co-insured can call or write us to terminate your policy at any time. Note that you may have to pay a cancellation fee if you cancel before your policy renewal date.
Do I get charged a fee if I cancel my insurance?
You may be subject to fees if you cancel your insurance mid-term or before your car, home or RV insurance policy ends. To discuss fees and other questions you might have about cancelling your policy, call us at 1-888-277-8726 Customer service phone number for car, home and RV insurance. This link opens your phone app.
Can an insurer cancel or void my insurance?
Yes, in some cases, your insurer may cancel your car, RV or home insurance policy (for example, if you hadn't paid your premiums or if you make false statements). We would notify you by registered mail well within legal time limits if we were going to cancel your insurance. See your policy for more details.