Jardins PurDélys: Making technology work for organic farming
When you hear the term “organic farming,” what do you picture? A small-scale, family farm in the countryside? Would it surprise you to know that Canada’s largest organic vegetable farm is located mere minutes south of the Island of Montreal? Technology and innovation have made it possible for this agricultural business to grow produce on an industrial scale while adhering to organic farming standards. Here’s how the owners grew their business.
How technology can help organic farmers
Jardins PurDélys had been using conventional farming methods for a long time when it made the shift to organic farming some 20 years ago. Today, the agricultural business in Saint-Isidore-de-Laprairie, south of Montreal, grows around 20 different large-scale fruit and vegetable crops, which is an impressive feat for an operation that has to meet organic requirements.
Farmers in the field have to maximize crop yield without using pesticides. “The innovative technology and techniques we use come from agronomic engineering,” says CEO Denis Desgroseilliers. “Our business has been embracing innovation for years,” adds Assistant General Manager Geneviève Rodier, who has a degree in agronomy.
Cutting-edge technology makes it possible for Jardins PurDélys to address issues quickly with as little intervention as possible. For instance, the business uses sensors to detect fungal spores sooner than the human eye could. Drone imaging also makes it possible to identify areas of crops at risk of insect damage or disease. “One of the keys to organic farming is that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” says Denis Desgroseilliers.
“The advances in organic farming driven by agronomic engineering are also influencing our neighbours that use conventional farming methods. We’re all aiming to reduce the impact of pesticide use on the environment and the food we eat. If the research we’re doing in our fields makes it possible for others to do things better as well, that’s a good thing. We all reap the benefits.”
Denis Desgroseilliers, CEO, Jardins PurDélys
More agile, competitive and resilient
Automating agricultural processes takes the guesswork out of picking the right time to harvest crops. Traceability from farm to table is another benefit. Farmers can monitor how much produce they have available and plan exactly what to harvest and when for their customers. “We can keep our produce out in the field, where it’ll stay fresh, living, rooted in the soil and naturally protected until the very last moment. Often we’ll harvest produce in the morning and dispatch it later the same day,” says Denis Desgroseillers. Even while crops are being harvested, workers in the field get real-time notifications for incoming orders and can adjust quantities.
It’s a challenging market. Jardins PurDélys has to compete with fruit and vegetable producers south of the border, who aren’t bound by the same labour standards.
“We believe that the investments we’re making in technology will tip the scales in our favour in the next 3 to 5 years and help us to stay competitive,” says Denis Desgroseillers. Being open to digital transformation also helps the business to stay resilient to climate change risk.
The human factor
While AI and automation have their place, these technologies won’t be replacing real people on farms anytime soon. “Cost is a huge barrier to introducing automation technology across the board, especially when you’ve got mixed crops to harvest,” says Geneviève Rodier.
Farmers are mainly using smart equipment to help them with harvesting. This kind of technology eliminates a lot of the repetitive and physically challenging work, such as tilling the soil, weeding and harvesting crops like broccoli. “There’s still no substitute for the human eye when it comes to grading produce, detecting disease and seeing the big picture,” Geneviève Rodier adds. “Technology connects people to nature.”
The learning curve is part of the process of rolling out technology, as the management team at Jardins PurDélys knows from experience. It takes time and patience to train their local staff and temporary foreign workers.
“When you’re rolling out new technology, there’s always a phase when the cons seem to outweigh the pros. You have to stick with it and keep the long-term benefits in mind.”
Geneviève Rodier, Assistant General Manager, Jardins PurDélys
What’s one thing that will never change in your business, no matter how advanced technology becomes?
“Everything we do revolves around people. First and foremost, we think about the people who consume the fresh, healthy produce we grow. We think about the people who work with us. We think about the community around us, and how we care for the environment with the way we farm. And that will never change,” says Geneviève Rodier.
“Technology just helps us achieve these goals,” Denis Desgroseillers adds. “We do what we do because we care about nature and living things. And we use technology to make sure we keep that dream alive.”
Desjardins tips
How to embrace digital transformation, one step at a time
Digital transformation can seem like a huge mountain for business owners to climb. That’s why it’s important to take one step at a time. “It’s not as big a hurdle as you think,” says Jean-Yves Bourgeois, Executive Vice-President, Business Services, for Desjardins.
“Digital transformation doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as sending invoices by email and using a computer system to manage your supplier and client accounts,” says Jean-Yves Bourgeois. “It all helps to streamline your processes.”
For SMEs that have some catching up to do, it’s riskier to stand on the sidelines and do nothing than it is to take the leap. “If your business is starting to lose market share, it’s a sign that you need to think about your business processes and make sure you stay competitive. When the market is growing and the competition is investing in change, you have to keep pace.”
Where to start
Networking is a good way for businesses to test the waters, according to Jean-Yves Bourgeois. “It’s easier to try something new if you know someone who’s already done it.”
An entire ecosystem has developed around the digital transformation in recent years. There are plenty of resources available for business owners, including government programs, innovation clusters, financing solutions and specialist consultants.
“At Desjardins, we’re here to support businesses and help them embrace digital transformation. If you have a project in mind, talk to your account manager. They have all the tools and know-how to point you and your business in the right direction.”
Financing the change
Desjardins takes a flexible approach to financing digital transformation projects. “We can often work with the grants and other funding that’s available to offer a more flexible and lower-cost financing structure,” says Jean-Yves Bourgeois. “Ultimately, these initiatives are trying to improve productivity, so we want to maximize a company’s flexibility and also allow them to forge ahead with other projects. That’s why we adapt what we offer to the needs of every business.”