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Aeromag : How innovation takes off

February 20, 2025

Aeromag started out in 1994 with an ambition to revolutionize the aircraft deicing process at Mirabel airport. Today, after 30 years of driving innovation in the aviation industry, the company operates in 17 airports around the world. Read on to find out how this leading Quebec company's commitment to environmental and social responsibility has helped it thrive.

Daring to be a disruptor

Marie-Élaine Lépine is Executive Vice-President, Finance, Administrative and Corporate Services for Aeromag, which was founded by her father, company president Mario Lépine. “In the mid-nineties, when my dad was working at Mirabel airport, he saw an opportunity. He came up with a safer and more efficient way to deice aircraft before takeoff. Back then, aircraft had to switch their engines off for deicing, and switching the engines back on again cut into the time that the aircraft were protected from new ice formation after deicing. As a result, planes could sometimes need a second round of deicing before takeoff. Aeromag found a way to safely deice aircraft with the engines running, and that’s what set us apart.”


This pioneering innovation was the first of many as the company went on to lead the way for the industry. “My dad was ahead of his time,” says Marie-Élaine Lépine. “Back in 1997, he was already trying to figure out a way to recycle the deicing fluid we were using.”

An industry where innovation has to put safety first

For an industry as highly regulated as aviation, deicing is a critical link in a safety-oriented value chain. Innovation goes hand in hand with aviation, but safety must always come first.  

“Aircraft change quickly, and so do ground operations. But innovations must always pass the safety test and it’s important not to rush into production,” says Gabriel Lépine, the founder’s son and Executive Vice-President, Operations and Development.

It wasn’t as simple as developing a process to recycle the deicing fluid. Aeromag also had to show airlines and airport authorities how safe and effective the process was. “This kind of thing had never been done before. We were the first to recover glycol and recycle it to a minimum of 99.5% of its original concentration.”

Aeromag opened the first glycol recycling and repurposing plant in Montreal in 2014. 

“The central deicing plant at Montréal-Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau International Airport is a huge success story for us. We recycle and reuse deicing fluid there. We also recover the water, and we reuse the energy generated by the plant to heat the building.”

—Marie-Élaine Lépine, Executive Vice-President, Finance, Administrative and Corporate Services

Aeromag has also developed powerful software to fine-tune the deicing operation to the minutest detail. The company now shares this expertise with its clients and airport partners.  

The snowball effect

On the strength of its success in Montreal, the Aeromag team has exported its know-how to serve markets further afield. In Syracuse, New York, Aeromag opened the world’s biggest and most advanced facility to recycle the glycol used at neighbouring airports.

As well as spreading its wings abroad, Aeromag makes it an ongoing priority to keep refining its impact plan. Gaining precious seconds on the tarmac, enhancing the safety and working conditions of its 1,700 employees and extending the life span of its vehicle fleet are all important for the company as it strives to always do better and be mindful of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. “Because everything we do—whether it’s about cost, efficiency or the environment—has a snowball effect,” explains Marie-Élaine Lépine. 

Aeromag : How innovation takes off

What's the key to integrating ESG factors into Aeromag's business practices?

“It’s not that hard to put together your own impact plan. What’s important, though, is to do it together with the people who matter. We spent a lot of time surveying our teams, our clients and our regular suppliers to find out the objectives of their own impact plans. This really helped us to prioritize our actions and pinpoint what we could do in the short and medium term to help them. They’re the ones who pointed us in the right direction,” explains Gabriel Lépine. 

Desjardins Tips

The hows and whys of building a more responsible business

Indicators confirm that companies need to start integrating ESG criteria into their business practices now. “This is not a passing trend. A big change is happening, and it’s here to stay,” says Mathieu Talbot, Vice-President, Business Services Group and Corporate Banking, for Desjardins. Are you wondering where to start?

For all companies, no matter how big they are and what sector they’re in, making a commitment to sustainable development is a matter of long-term survival. According to Mathieu Talbot, “The big decision-makers are already factoring ESG criteria into their procurement strategies, and they’re setting targets that extend to their suppliers.” Businesses that miss the bandwagon could find themselves excluded from the bidding process and the supply chain down the line, and that would directly impact their bottom line and their growth.

Consumer and employee expectations are changing too. Companies must adapt if they want to stay competitive and keep attracting business. 

The cost of doing nothing

SMEs that drag their heels risk paying a heavy price. “The past few years are a good example. Inflation can significantly increase the ultimate cost for businesses to make the investments needed to pivot and be more sustainable and resilient.”

Desjardins plays a key advisory role in helping local businesses take the next step, with teams specializing in sustainable finance on hand to provide support. “We work with companies’ business needs and objectives while helping them to identify the most promising ESG integration projects based on their individual reality.”

Mathieu Talbot encourages SMEs to take stock of their situation first and foremost. “A lot of businesses are already adopting sustainable practices without necessarily realizing it.” By working with the right partners and identifying the quick wins right there in front of them, businesses can take steps toward a more sustainable future—without jeopardizing their financial strength.