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Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Claude Gareau Claude Gareau
Montérégie Ambassador
Chair Montreal Ambassador
Chantal Perron Chantal Perron
Vice-Chair, Eastern Region
Capitale-Nationale Ambassador
Administrative Assistant (retired)
Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de Charlevoix
Ronald Pichette Ronald Pichette
Lanaudière Ambassador
Head of procurement, transportation and courier services (retired)
Hôpital du CSSS du Nord de Lanaudière
Pierre Kirouac Pierre Kirouac
Vice-Chair, Western Region
Ambassador without borders
Head of audiovisual technical services (retired)
Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont
Katia Caceres Katia Caceres
Director – Healthcare Without Borders Group
Project Manager
CIUSSS de l'Est-de-l'Île-de-Montréal
Ève-Annie Pilon Ève-Annie Pilon
Ambassador without borders
Oncology Pivot Nurse Clinician
Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM)
Josée Fréchette Josée Fréchette
Ambassador without borders
National Representative
Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux (APTS)
Roberto Bomba Roberto Bomba
Director – Healthcare Without Borders Group
Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec (FIQ)
Karine Lehoux Karine Lehoux
Director – Laurentides Healthcare Group
Emergency Patient Care Assistant
Centre intégré de santé et services sociaux (CISSS) Des Laurentides
Julie Lavoie Julie Lavoie
Director – Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean Healthcare Group
Nurse and teacher, Nursing program
Cégep de Chicoutimi
Gabrielle Racine-Lupien Gabrielle Racine-Lupien
Ambassador without borders
Human Resources Advisor
Recrutement Santé Québec (RSQ) – Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux (MSSS)
Christine McCarthy Christine McCarthy
Montreal Ambassador
CFO and IT Systems Senior Manager – Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec
Stéphanie Carlos Stéphanie Carlos
Chaudière-Appalaches Ambassador
Quality Assurance Manager, Telus Health
Samuel Trottier-Lapointe Samuel Trottier-Lapointe
Ambassador without borders
President, Association québécoise de la physiothérapie
Gahaldyne Lamarre Gahaldyne Lamarre
Ambassador without borders
Planning, Programming and Research Agent CIUSS de l'Ouest-de-l’île-de-Montréal

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.

General Management

Martin Levac Martin Levac, MBA
General Manager
1-877-522-4773, ext. 7006225
Contact by email This link will open in a new window
Jennifer Davis Jennifer Davis
General Management Assistant
Suzanne Bessette Suzanne Bessette
Services and Member Support Manager
1-877-522-4773, ext. 7006224
Annick Boismenu Annick Boismenu, M.Sc., DESS
Communications, Marketing and Associative Affairs Manager
1-877-522-4773, ext. 7006208
Contact by email This link will open in a new window
Frédéric Bugeas Frédéric Bugeas
Market Development Manager
1-877-522-4773 ext. 7006218
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Sylvain Di Fioré Sylvain Di Fioré
IT Support Technician and Real Estate Manager
Contact by email This link will open in a new window
Jean-Sébastien Gagnon Jean-Sébastien Gagnon, MBA
Market Development Manager
1-877-522-4773, ext. 7006217
Contact by email This link will open in a new window
Cynthia Galasso Cynthia Galasso
Market Development Manager
877-522-4773, ext. 7006205
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Anik Robichaud Anik Robichaud
Risk Management and Sales Support Manager
1-877-522-4773, ext. 7006892
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Monica Pouliot Monica Pouliot
Human Resources Advisor -
Member experience
877-522-4773, ext. 7006818
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Communications and Marketing

Andrée-Anne Cardinal
Marketing Advisor
Jade Gastonguay Jade Gastonguay
Communication Technician
Farah Lemaine Farah Lemaine
Communications and Associative Affairs Advisor

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Risk Management and Sales Support

Aissatou Diop
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Caroline Grondin Caroline Grondin
Administrative Assistant
Hélène Lafrenière Hélène Lafrenière
Control, Risk and Compliance Analyst
Johanne Larin Johanne Larin
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Guillaume Levac Guillaume Levac
Advisory Agent - Member and Client Experience
Cassandra Marquis Cassandra Marquis
Member Services and Operations Agent
Milca Kapya Mitonga Milca Kapya Mitonga
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Marie-Claude Palardy Marie-Claude Palardy
Risk Management and Sales Support Coordinator
Lynda Simard Lynda Simard
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Nikoleta Zagorska Nikoleta Zagorska
Risk Management and Sales Support Coordinator

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Investment and Financing

Jihane Ali Baba Jihane Ali Baba
Personal Finance Advisor
Chantal Bond Chantal Bond
Personal Finance Advisor
Ramzi Bouzrara Ramzi Bouzrara
Personal Finance Advisor
Karen Broncales Sanchez Karen Broncales Sanchez
Personal Finance Advisor
Kathy Champagne Kathy Champagne
Personal Finance Advisor
Lynda Champagne Lynda Champagne
Personal Finance Advisor
Linda Cromer Linda Cromer
Personal Finance Advisor
Chloé Dionne Chloé Dionne
Personal Finance Advisor
François Giroux François Giroux
Personal Finance Advisor
Haifa Harbi Haifa Harbi
Personal Finance Advisor
Jean-Simon Houle Jean-Simon Houle
Personal Finance Advisor
Marc-Antoine Leblond Marc-Antoine Leblond
Personal Finance Advisor
Catherine Morissette Catherine Morissette
Personal Finance Advisor
N'Deye Sarr N'Deye Sarr
Personal Finance Advisor
Sofiane Taleb Sofiane Taleb
Personal Finance Advisor

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Services and Member Support

Manon Bouchard Manon Bouchard
Member Services Agent
Nadine Chalifour Nadine Chalifour
Personal Finance Advisor
Sydney Chambers Sydney Chambers
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
Sabrina Côté Sabrina Côté
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
Cathy Couture Cathy Couture
Receptionist Agent
Hélène Desaulniers Hélène Desaulniers
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
Nathalie Deschamps Nathalie Deschamps
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
Catherine Dupuis Catherine Dupuis
Personal Finance Advisor
Josée Gaudreault Josée Gaudreault
Personal Finance Advisor
Sendy Jean Baptiste Sendy Jean Baptiste
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
Claudia Labrie Claudia Labrie
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
Mélanie Lamontagne Mélanie Lamontagne
Personal Finance Advisor
Sabrina Landry Sabrina Landry
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
Chantal Robitaille Chantal Robitaille
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
Jessy Ross Jessy Ross
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
Joanne Simoneau Joanne Simoneau
Personal Finance Advisor
Diane Smith Diane Smith
Member/Client Experience Advisory Agent
Isabelle St-Roch Isabelle St-Roch
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
Lelenda Danielle Leatitia Telou
Personal Finance Advisor
Marika Thibault Marika Thibault
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
Dédé Cali Typamm Dédé Cali Typamm
Financial Services Agent - Clientele

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Wealth Management

Marc Fafet Marc Fafet
Wealth Management Advisor
Maxime Garneau Maxime Garneau
Wealth Management Advisor
Son Bao Long Do Son Bao Long Do
Wealth Management Advisor
André Marcoux André Marcoux
Wealth Management Advisor
Marie-France Naud Marie-France Naud
Wealth Management Advisor
Marc Ratelle Marc Ratelle
Wealth Management Advisor

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Partner Development Team

Maylis Baltazard Maylis Baltazard
Business Strategy, Youth Clientele Development and Newcomers and Cultural Communities Advisor
Line Larouche Line Larouche
Personal Finance Advisor
Valérie Morency Valérie Morency
Business Strategy, Youth Clientele Development and Newcomers and Cultural Communities Advisor
Dima Oteik Dima Oteik
Personal Finance Advisor

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Adrihel Gagnon Adrihel Gagnon
Commercial Healthcare Development Manager
Richard Gaulin Richard Gaulin
Partnership Development Manager
Contact by email This link will open in a new window
Patrick Giroux Patrick Giroux
Commercial Healthcare Development Manager
Marie-Chantal Majeau Marie-Chantal Majeau
Corporate Healthcare Development Manager
Pierre Roy Pierre Roy
Corporate Healthcare Development Manager

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Desjardins Financial Security, Financial Services Firm

Maxime Pelletier Maxime Pelletier
Financial Security Advisor, Specialized Offer
1-877-828-7800, ext. 5460303

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  1. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Financial Planner for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  3. Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.