Desjardins Group's social responsibility highlights for 2016

Desjardins Group's social responsibility highlights for 2016 (1 min 05 s)

Added on March 23, 2017

Desjardins is a key leader in the development of a stronger, greener and more inclusive economy. This is just one of the many highlights of our social responsibility for 2016, presented by Desjardins Group President and CEO, Guy Cormier.

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Desjardins Group's social responsibility highlights for 2016 (1 min 05 s)

Added on March 23, 2017 | Desjardins Group

Note: The text in square brackets describes audio and visual content in the video other than the dialogue or narration.

[Background music.]

[On-screen text: “Working for you” and the Desjardins Logo.]

Guy Cormier, President and Chief Executive Officer of Desjardins Group: Desjardins is a leading partner in building a stronger, greener and more inclusive economy.

Over 400 Quebec businesses can count on support from Capital régional et coopératif when they want to expand and grow.

[On-screen images: Production employees at a manufacturing company.]

Guy Cormier: We're helping to create more than 71,000 jobs.

[Successive images on screen: Accelerated images of people walking on the street, a windmill, and a forest.]

Our engagement is also reflected in our commitment to protect the environment.

Guy Cormier: We lead the industry in responsible investment products that give members and clients opportunities to invest in a clean economy.

[On-screen images: Guy Cormier as he walks.]

Guy Cormier: Community support and solidarity are part of our fundamental values, and Desjardins uses our Mutual Assistance Fund to help people going through tough financial times.

[On-screen images: Guy Cormier speaks to people in a meeting room.]

Guy Cormier: And with our youth program, Personal Finance: I'm in Charge, Desjardins helps young Canadians take control and confidently manage their finances.

[On-screen images: Two girls sit in a 360d service center for students.]

Guy Cormier: Everything we do is to make sure Desjardins is working for you!

[On-screen images: Desjardins logo]