Desjardins Retirement Calculator

Calculating how much you need to save for retirement may seem complicated, but our advisors are here to help. They’re in the best position to draw up a plan based on your needs and answer any questions you may have.

In the meantime, you can use the calculator to:

  • See if your retirement goals are realistic
  • Understand what’s influencing your retirement savings
  • Track the progress of your personal savings and retirement income
  • Compare different scenarios
All information is required.
Amounts are in today's dollars.

Use our simplified tool on AccèsD

Want to get a quick snapshot of your situation at retirement? Use the My retirement tool on AccèsD. Log in to AccèsD, and select Savings goals in the right-hand menu of the desktop version or in the Quick Access menu at the bottom of the screen if you're using the mobile app. Then, select Retirement to create a savings goal. You can save your simulation and view it whenever you want.

Make an appointment

An advisor will help you determine your retirement goals and draw up a personalized financial plan.

On AccèsD

Book an appointment on AccèsD if you're a member, and meet with an advisor online, in person or over the phone.

Book an appointment - on AccèsD. This link opens in a new tab.