Rates - Term Savings

Grow your money securely with our term savings. Opt for Redeemable Term Savings if you want to access your cash at all times.

Current rates on March 31, 2025

Term Savings

Eligible plans

  • Registered plans: RRSP, FTV, LIRA and locked-in RRSP, RRIF, LIF, TFSA and FHSA
  • Non-registered plans

Minimum deposit

  • Term Savings less than 1 year: $5,000
  • Term Savings 1 to 10 years:
    • $500 (registered plans)
    • $1,000 (non-registered plans)

Most popular rates

Product Rate
Term Savings account - 1 year 2.90%
Term Savings account - 5 year 3.20%
Term Savings - Less than 1 year
Term Rate
30-59 days 1.70%
60-89 days 1.70%
90-119 days 1.90%
120-179 days 1.90%
180-269 days 2.40%
270-364 days 2.60%
Term Savings - 1 to 10 years
Term Rate
1 year 2.90%
2 years 2.95%
3 years 2.95%
4 years 2.95%
5 years 3.20%
6 years 3.25%
7 years 3.25%
8 years 3.25%
9 years 3.25%
10 years 3.25%

Redeemable Term Savings

This investment qualifies for the following plans

  • Registered plans: RRSP, FTV, LIRA and locked-in RRSP
  • Non-registered plans

Minimum deposit


Redeemable Term Savings
Term Rate
1 year 2.20%

Think about it

Rates may change without notice. Certain conditions apply.

These rates are recommended by the Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec to its affiliated caisses.