Term Savings

Grow your money worry-free!

  • Capital 100% guaranteed
  • 30-day to 10-year terms
  • Interest rate: 1.70% to 3.20% (fixed, guaranteed until maturity)

Special rate for  online term savings.

Buy a  an online term savings investment on AccèsD and get a higher interest rate. Already invested in Term Savings? At maturity, renew your Term Savings on AccèsD and get this same special rate.

Get this offer

  • Ideal if you want security, competitive returns and regular income
  • "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush!"

Interest rate

  • Fixed
  • Based on the term selected
  • Guaranteed for the full term

See current rates

Eligible plans

  • Registered plans: TFSA, RRSP, FHSA, FTA, LIRA, locked-in RRSP, LIF and RDSP
  • Non-registered plans

Minimum deposit

  • $500 for registered plans
  • $1,000 for non-registered plans
  • $5,000 for terms of less than 1 year


Gives you a competitive return on your savings


  • On your own on AccèsD.
  • Through an AccèsD Services advisor :
    • Montreal area: 514-CAISSES (514-224-7737).
    • Elsewhere in Canada and the U.S.: 1-800-CAISSES (1-800-224-7737).
  • At the caisse.


  • Stable and secure: your capital and interest are guaranteed
  • Peace of mind: no matter how the financial markets perform, you know what your return will be right from the start
  • Predictable: it's easy to plan your budget because the income is paid to you regularly
  1. Phone and in-caisse requests for terms of less than 1 year and more than 5 years.
  2. If you use AccèsD to purchase or renew  an online term savings product with a 1- to 5-year term, you'll get a special rate for non-redeemable Term Savings. This offer is valid only for non-redeemable online Term  Savings products. This offer may change or end at any time without notice. Other conditions apply. If you want to purchase or renew  an online term savings product worth more than $50,000, please contact your advisor. Rate is subject to change without notice.
  3. Not available in Ontario.