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Personal loan

Make your projects a reality with an easy-to-manage personal loan. Book an appointment on AccèsD to apply for a loan if you’re a member.

Not a member? Call us at 1-866-647-5013 This link opens your phone app. to book an appointment.


Amount available

Amount granted is determined by:

  • Your payment capacity
  • The amount of financing required
  • The useful life of the financed product (in certain cases)

Interest rate

  • Fixed or variable
  • Based on the loan amount, term and credit history

Fixed rate

Choose a fixed interest rate if you’re cautious and sensitive to rate fluctuations. A fixed rate is:

  • Guaranteed for the duration of the term
  • Predictable
  • Easy to manage

You can switch to a variable rate at any time without fee or penalty.

Variable rate

Choose a variable interest rate if you can tolerate risk and are not as sensitive to rate fluctuations. A variable rate:

  • Follows market fluctuations
  • Is advantageous when rates are stable or falling
  • Is generally lower than the current fixed rate

When rates drop, your payment amount remains the same, but the duration of the loan may decrease.

You can switch to a fixed rate at any time without fee or penalty. Your interest rate will equal the fixed rate in effect at the time you switch.


Flexible terms


  • Payments can be made every week, every 2 weeks or every month
  • Payments can be withdrawn automatically from your account
  • Loan can be repaid in part or in full, at any time, without penalty

Tools to guide you

Find your borrowing solution

Have a project that'll cost at least $1,000? Use our tool on AccèsD to help you choose the financing that's right for you.

Find your borrowing solution on AccèsD.

Loan insurance

When you take out loan insurance, the insurer repays the loan amount in the event of death. In the event of disability, the insurer repays the insured portion of your payments. If the unexpected strikes, it ensures your financial obligations are covered.

Make an appoint­ment for a personal loan

On AccèsD

Book an appointment on AccèsD if you're a member, and meet with an advisor online, in person or over the phone.