Quick facts about Desjardins

Quick facts about Desjardins

The largest financial cooperative
in North America

It's all about people

  • 7.8 million members and clients
  • 55,290 employees
  • 2,313 elected directors
  • Forbes magazine named Desjardins one of Canada's Best Employers in the banking and financial services industry in 2024.
  • Mediacorp Canada Inc. ranked Desjardins among Canada's Top 100 Employers, Top Employers for Young People, and Greenest Employers in 2024.
  • Women in Governance awarded the prestigious Platinum level of the Parity Certification to Desjardins, recognizing its commitment to achieving equal representation of women at every level of the organization.
  • First caisse founded in 1900 by Alphonse and Dorimène Desjardins.

Desjardins is the financial institution with the largest regional presence in Quebec and is well established in Ontario.

Desjardins's presence in Quebec and Ontario

  • 199 caisses
  • 579 points of service
  • 8 360d spaces in universities
  • 70 Desjardins Business locations
  • 1,303 ATMs – the largest network in Quebec

Services across Canada and around the world

  • Business entities and units offering a full range of financial and insurance services in Canada
  • Active in some 30 developing and emerging countries through Desjardins international Developpement (DID)
  • Pioneer and leader in online and mobile banking services in Quebec

Business sectors

  • Personal and business services
  • Wealth management and life and health insurance
  • Damage insurance


$470.9 billion in total assets

$3,356 millionin surplus earnings after taxes and before member dividends

22.2% tier 1A capital ratio

$557 milliongiven back to members and the community

See our credit ratings

Suggested links


Data as at December 31, 2025, unless otherwise indicated.

  1. Data as at January 1, 2025
  2. In accordance with the Capital Adequacy Guideline issued by the AMF.
  3. For more information on non generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) financial measures and supplemental financial measures, see “Non-GAAP financial measures and other financial measures” section of Desjardins Group's 2024 annual MD&A which is available on the SEDAR+ - External link. website (under the Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec profile). Non-GAAP financial measures used by Desjardins Group, and which do not have a standardized definition, are not directly comparable to similar measures used by other companies, and may not be directly comparable to any GAAP measures.