TeenZones and their facilitators

TeenZones and their facilitators (1 min 19 s)

Added on November 26, 2018

Listen to TeenZone facilitators Charlotte, Isabella and Michael tell you about the impact they have in the lives of young people. When you choose Desjardins, you’re supporting the YMCAs of Québec Foundation and that’s also being committed to supporting youth.

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TeenZones and their facilitators (1 min 19 s)

Added on November 26, 2018 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information in brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video, and the rest of the text corresponds to the dialogue.

[Background music]

[Text on screen: TeenZones and their facilitators]

[We see a facilitator (Facilitator 1) sitting on a sofa at a YMCA speaking to the camera. She's wearing a name tag that says Charlotte. Young people are playing pool behind her.]

Facilitator 1 (Charlotte): Our TeenZone is really an alternative to the streets. It's a place where kids can go after school and be supervised by trained staff. We have all sorts of activities, so they can channel their energy.

[There are 3 young people playing cards. Then, we see one of them sitting on a sofa (Youth 1) who starts speaking to the camera. Other young people are studying at a table behind him.]

Youth 1: It's a place where you can talk about everything that's going on in your life. They're always there for you.

[Another facilitator who's sitting on the sofa (Facilitator 2) and facing the camera starts to speak.]

Facilitator 2: We try to teach them good lifestyle habits, healthy lifestyle habits through sports. They come here for a reason. We do a lot of prevention, too.

[We notice a third facilitator (Facilitator 3) sitting on the sofa. He's wearing a name tag that says Michael.
He speaks to the camera. Then we see another staff member wearing a David name tag speaking to a young person who is not facing the camera and is sitting at a table. After this, we see Facilitator 3 talking with some young people while eating a cookie. The camera cuts to a young person who's having fun.]

Facilitator 3 (Michael): Everyone has different stories and different backgrounds, just like me when I was younger. It helped me get out of the streets. It helped me, you know, be active after school. And I think what we offer at the Y helps everyone. Certain youth maybe come from the same place that I am, the same community that I am. And, you know, our program helps them, you know, develop their self-esteem and it helps them grow as a person.

[Facilitator 1 (Charlotte) is back, sitting on the sofa and speaking to the camera. Then we see a number of young people playing cards at a table.]

Facilitator 1 (Charlotte): For a lot of young people, the YMCA is their second home, their second family. A lot of kids come here whether things are good or things are bad.

[YMCA logo]

[A dozen youth are on or around the sofa. They're smiling and all looking in the same direction. They get up and leave.]

[Text on screen: We're all committed to supporting youth]

[Desjardins logo]

[Desjardins jingle]