Testimonial from volunteer Jacqueline Verville

Testimonial from volunteer Jacqueline Verville (1 min 37 s)

Added on March 2, 2022


The video clip presents the testimony of Jacqueline Verville, a volunteer for the Centre d’entraide Contact de Warwick.

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Testimonial from volunteer Jacqueline Verville (1 min 37 s)

Added on March 2, 2022 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information in brackets describes the audio and visual content of the video that is not dialogue or narration.

[Context: The video clip presents the testimony of Jacqueline Verville, a volunteer for the Centre d’entraide Contact de Warwick. All voices are offscreen. Background music plays throughout the video.]

[Text on screen: What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing. Quote by Aristotle.]

[Text on screen: 6 inspiring glimpses of Centre d’entraide Contact de Warwick]

[Text on screen: Inspiration 6]

[On screen visual: Shot of the sign for the Terrier l’économe resto, the Centre d’entraide Contact de Warwick’s restaurant. Then, a close-up shot of a poster in front of the restaurant.]

Narrator: The Centre d'entraide sells delicious products prepared by participants and volunteers at the Plateau de réinsertion sociale en transformation alimentaire. They're benefiting from Jacqueline's experience.

[On screen visual: Black and white photo of Jacqueline Verville, holding a carrot muffin box. Then, we see a refrigerator full of carrot muffin boxes.]

Jacqueline Verville: To give you an idea, it takes 32 eggs to make one carrot cake recipe. 32! They're in a rush, they break them like that.

[On screen visual: Close-up shot of a spoon dropping muffin batter in paper molds. Then, we see Jacqueline putting down the baked muffins in plastic boxes.]

Jacqueline Verville: I volunteered to prepare the eggs, separate the egg whites. So no more cakes that don't turn out. They're all beautiful. They ask me, "Jacqueline, can you separate all our eggs?" But when they're making 6 batches in one day, that's 192 eggs. It's a small thing but, they're breaking egg after egg, and missing at least 1 egg white out of 12. Out of 32, that means some cakes some turn out well, some not so well.

[On screen visual: Volunteers are working at the restaurant’s counter and in the kitchen. Then, we see a volunteer’s feet walking in the kitchen while pushing a cart.]

[On screen visual: Jacqueline enters the kitchen, then she pushes a cart.]

Jacqueline Verville: So when I have the time, I prepare their 6 bowls of 32 eggs each, with all the egg whites removed.

[On screen visual: Black and white picture of Jacqueline in front of the restaurant’s counter. The screen fades to black.]

Jacqueline Verville: They're proud of their cakes. Behind the scenes, I've got a hand in that.

[Text on screen: Thank you for inspiring a recipe for happiness.]

[Text on screen: The Centre d’entraide Contact de Warwick’s logo]

[Text on screen: Soutenu par Logo of the Caisse Desjardins des Bois-Francs.]

[Text on screen: To see everything that inspires us, follow us on. Facebook’s logo]

End of transcript