IntroducingCentre d’entraide Contact de Warwick and one of its volunteers, Jacqueline Verville

IntroducingCentre d’entraide Contact de Warwick and one of its volunteers, Jacqueline Verville (1 min 25 s)

Added on February 25, 2022


The video clip presents the Centre d’entraide Contact de Warwick and one of their volunteers, Jacqueline Verville. All voices are offscreen. Background music plays throughout the video.

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IntroducingCentre d’entraide Contact de Warwick and one of its volunteers, Jacqueline Verville (1 min 25 s)

Added on February 25, 2022 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information placed between brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video other than dialogue or narration.

[Context: The video clip presents the Centre d’entraide Contact de Warwick and one of their volunteers, Jacqueline Verville. All voices are offscreen. Background music plays throughout the video.]

[Text on screen: Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. Quote by the Dalai Lama.]

[Text on screen: 6 inspiring glimpses of Centre d’entraide Contact de Warwick]

[Text on screen: Inspiration 1]

[On screen visual: Outside facade of Centre d’entraide Contact de Warwick. A woman walks in front of the building.]

Narrator: Founded as Centre d'action bénévole in 1982 to respond to the local population's needs, its name was changed to Centre d'entraide Contact de Warwick in 2004.

[On screen visual: Still frame on Jacqueline Verville, inside of the Centre d’entraide Contact de Warwick, standing in front of the restaurant’s counter.]

Jacqueline Verville: My name is Jacqueline Verville. I live in Warwick and have been volunteering at the Centre d'entraide for 37 years.

[On screen visual: Jacqueline holds a baby’s pumpkin costume in the Centre’s thrift shop, L’Économe magasin général.]

[On screen visual: Some movers close a truck’s sliding door. They are surrounded by moving boxes.]

Jacqueline Verville: I've been through 3 moves, which were always expansions to meet the growing need.

[On screen visual: Interior shots of L’Économe magasin général, where volunteers sort out clothes. Another volunteer carries a cardboard box.]

Narrator: Since the 2019 move, it includes the general store, L’Économe Magasin Général, on the ground floor, and community services are on the second floor.

[On screen visual: A smiling woman is on the Centre’s front porch.]

[Text on screen: Diane Lefort, General Director]

[On screen visual: Jacqueline enters the kitchen. Close-up shot of her feet as she pushes a cart.]

Jacqueline Verville: I got rid of my car 2 years ago, so I walk here. I've never missed a day due to rain or snow. I come in every day, no matter what.

[On screen visual: Close-up shot of volunteers’ hands folding clothes. The screen fades to black.]

[Text on screen: Thank you for inspiring us over the years.]

[Text on screen: The Centre d’entraide Contact de Warwick’s logo]

[Text on screen: Soutenu par Logo de la Caisse Desjardins des Bois-Francs.]

[Text on screen: To see everything that inspires us, follow us on. Facebook’s logo.]

End of transcript