An indoor playground for kids in Saint-Michel

An indoor playground for kids in Saint-Michel (2 min 04 s)

Added on October 31, 2017


Since 2015, the indoor playground in Saint-Michel has been providing families in the neighbourhood with a much-needed space for kids to play and stay active through the winter months. For many families in the neighbourhood, it’s their first winter in Quebec, so the indoor playground provides a safe, fun space where kids and parents alike can socialize and connect with others in the community.

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An indoor playground for kids in Saint-Michel (2 min 04 s)

Added on October 31, 2017 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information in brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video, and the rest of the text corresponds to the dialogue.

Xia Ting Li, citizen participation facilitator at Carrefour Populaire de St-Michel: The Indoor Park project first got underway in 2015 in response to a critical need in the St-Michel neighbourhood for a place where parents could take their kids— and allow them to play— during our very, very cold winters. The St-Michel area is home to a lot of families that are new to the country. For many, it’s their first winter in Quebec and they aren’t used to spending time outside in winter.

We wanted to offer a space where children could get some exercise in winter.

The indoor park is for kids aged 0 to 5. It’s designed to help them develop their gross motor skills. We have included equipment to get kids moving, jumping or riding a bike with help from their parents.

It’s not a daycare. Parents must accompany their kids and get them moving. This also gives parents the chance to enjoy some physical activity with their kids while socializing with other parents.

We know that Desjardins has been very close to the community for a long time. Without their financial support, the indoor park wouldn’t have been possible. Desjardins’s funding means that we’re able to offer this activity free of charge to all families.

Martine Sterling, mother of Karl-Hayden: As a mom, I find the indoor park great, especially since my child is 4 years old. The park helps him learn to socialize, make new friends, integrate in a group and play. He loves the new toys that he doesn’t have at home, so this is important for me.

The indoor park has given me the chance to meet new people, make new friends and integrate in the community. It helps people socialize, so it’s very good.

The indoor park was a terrific idea.